Park City Real Estate Trends

Ski Resort Rankings

By Todd Anderson
Sep 26, 2013

It is September 25th and the first snow of the year has hit Park City! No, it will not stick around, and the weekend should see highs pushing 70. Still, seeing snow falling and a white blanket visible on the mountains is a not so subtle reminder that winter is on the way.


First Snow Park City


There have been other reminders that winter will soon be here; the red leaves on the Gambel Oaks, recent yellow of the Aspen leaves, gear guides reviewing the new equipment and clothing for the season and of course the annual Ski Resort rankings.


The Park City area resorts earned rankings very similar to last year. Each year SKI Magazine readers are polled and rank ski resorts in 20 different categories to determine the “Best Resort” in North America. Deer Valley earned the number 2 spots for the second year in a row after 5 years in the number 1 spot overall. In garnering the 2nd overall spot, Deer Valley was ranked number 1 in the categories of Grooming, Service, Lodging, On-Mountain Food, Dining and Family Programs. Deer Valley also earned top ten rankings in seven other categories. Park City Mountain Resort fell one spot to the number 5 overall ranking for best resort. Park City Mountain Resort earned number one rankings for Access, Off-Hill Activities, and Terrain Parks plus a #2 ranking in the Family Vacation category. Canyons Resort once again was ranked as the #10 overall best resort in North America. The Canyons ranked in the top ten in 3 categories including Access, Dining, and Lodging.


The annual Ski Magazine survey polls more than 140,000 (with 40,000 responses) skiers and snowboarders review nearly every aspect of winter alpine skiing and snowboarding resorts. The complete list of rankings is listed in SKI Magazine’s October issue, which is on newsstands now.


Interesting notes about the rankings; The Park City area earned #’s 1, 2 and 5 in the Access category. Also, while other resorts have seen a yo-yo effect depending on natural snowfall, the Park City are Resorts have remained consistently in the top ten Best Overall despite less than normal snowfall totals the past two years.


Having all three Park City area resorts in the Top Ten is a great benefit when it comes to marketing Park City; no other town has this. The effect on visitor nights and real estate values isn’t quantifiable, but it is undeniable.


The other resorts rounding out the Top Ten Ski Resorts in the West are: 1. Jackson Hole, 3. Vail, 4. Sun Valley, 6. Whistler, 7. Telluride, 8. Steamboat, 9. Snowmass.

Park City among top 10 of Best Town Ever 2013

By Todd Anderson
May 27, 2013

Park City, UT is among the finalists in this year’s Best Town Ever competition in Outside Magazine. The magazine is recognizing Park City for the:


Skiing; three resorts named in the top ten in North America (Deer Valley, Park City Mountain Resort, and Canyons) make this pretty easy.


Road Biking; Outside notes the Mirror Lake Scenic Byway outside of Kamas as a riding highlight. I’d say that with Park City having been named the first Gold-Level riding center ever by the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA), mountain biking, with the hundreds of miles of trails in Park City, could easily have been the highlight (note that Outside while highlighting road biking notes in its description of Park City that the mountain biking is “absurdly good”).


Food & Nightlife; there are well over 100 restaurants that Park City offers without a bad one in the bunch, Outside highlights the High West Distillery “world class" is the descriptive phrase the magazine uses in describing Park City.


Easy Access to Green Space; it is nearly impossible to stroll ten minutes in any direction from Park City and not find yourself in some type of open space.


Outside closes its brief description of Park City by calling it “the best mix of adventure and culture of any mountain town in the West”. We here at agree wholeheartedly!


Vote for your favorite “Best Town Ever” at:


Park City, UT is up against Boston, Bozeman, Carbondale, Greenville, Honolulu, Oklahoma City, San Diego, Spokane, and Waitsfield.

Park City Ski Resort Rankings

By Todd Anderson
Oct 12, 2012

Annual Ski Resort area rankings put all three Park City Resorts in the Top Ten.


SKI Magazine is due on the newsstands or in your mailbox the 16th of October. The upcoming issue features the results of the annual readers’ poll. In the magazine they will rank the top 50 Resorts in North America.


Park City, Utah is home to three resorts that cover nearly 10,000 skiable acres located just a few miles apart. This year for the first time Deer Valley, Park City Mountain Resort and Canyons Resort are all ranked in the readers’ poll top 10.


Deer Valley Resort takes the 2nd place ranking; dropping from its unprecedented reign in the number one spot for five years in a row. Deer Valley still saw a number one rating in many individual categories and was likely impacted by the lack of natural snowfall last season.


Park City Mountain Resort moves up a notch this year to number four in the SKI Magazine Readers’ Poll top 50 Resorts. This is the best ranking that the resort has ever earned.


The tens of millions of dollars that have been spent at Canyons Resort in the past few years are paying dividends in the minds of SKI Magazine readers as Canyons receives the number ten spot in this year’s poll. This is an impressive move from rankings in the low 20’s just a few years ago. The number ten ranking for Canyons Resort is also the best that the resort has ever earned. Park City Resort Rankings - SKI Magazine Poll 2 4 10


Park City, Utah is unique in that there are not many cities that are home to multiple ski and snowboard resorts. Deer Valley, Park City Mountain and Canyons Resorts all share in some high ratings related to Park City’s snow, weather, accessibility to an International Airport as well as local restaurants and non-ski related activity options.


The Group congratulates all three of Park City’s World Class Resorts on their rankings in SKI Magazine’s annual reader poll for the 2012/2013 season.


For information about how the resort rankings may affect real estate prices in Park City, Utah contact a Park City Real Estate Professional with at (888)968-4672.

Park City Ranks Best in Ski Magazine

By Todd Anderson
Sep 24, 2008

Park City scores again with 3 resorts in SKI Magazines top 15 ski resorts in North America!           SKI Magazine released its annual reader's survey and Deer Valley has retained its top spot as the # 1 ski resort in North America.  Park City Mountain Resort moved up from sixth to fifth place and The Canyons jumped from 18th to 13th place.  In short another great year for the Park City ski resorts!            Skiers and resort home buyers today are looking for more than just the skiing; they are looking for a total vacation experience.  A Park City vacation starts with the ease of getting to the slopes from Salt Lake City Airport (only 30 minutes away), extends to the night life of Main Street, shopping and other entertainment for the non-skiers,  cross country skiing and snow shoeing represent just some of the experience that goes far beyond Park City's 3 Ski (and snowboard) Resorts.            Deer Valley has been ranked #1 four out of the past eight years.  They continue to be ranked #1 in service, food and grooming year after year.   Deer Valley limits itself to 6,500 skiers per day skiing on its two thousand plus acres.  The limitation is set not by how many people the mountain can handle, but by how many skiers the resort can handle in terms of food service. Un-crowded slopes lead to a great experience.  For accessibility Park City is by far the best ski location in North America, offering free skiing on your day of arrival. None of others can this offer this convenience.           These great reader poll results should make Park City real estate the beneficiary of more people putting Park City into their ski plans.  Park City is more and more being recognized as one of the premier ski and resort destinations in the world.  It remains on a cost /value comparison a better value than Vail or Aspen.  The fact that interest rates are currently very favorable (although tougher in terms of qualifying) bodes well for real estate sales. Great ratings from skiers and snowboarders will keep Park City real estate desirable to own and help to keep property values here high.           All three Park City Ski Resorts and the city itself are very pleased with the ratings again this year.  SKI Magazine Top Ten North American Ski Areas:

Posted by Michael Jacobson




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Cras interdum viverra erat, lobortis semper enim commodo non. Cras pellentesque tristique felis, quis ultricies orci dignissim in. Sed iaculis fringilla urna, laoreet rhoncus nisi bibendum quis. Vivamus interdum facilisis nibh, eu mollis risus rhoncus at. Curabitur accumsan orci sed justo vulputate in consectetur eros facilisis. Sed a consequat metus. Nunc condimentum, nisi quis semper gravida, enim massa molestie mi, et porta augue massa quis libero. Morbi a viverra mauris. Quisque tristique, neque eu ullamcorper auctor, est sapien dignissim lorem, et pulvinar risus velit vitae orci. Praesent commodo, justo id pharetra feugiat, eros est eleifend odio, quis semper augue mauris vitae sem. Phasellus semper purus in nisi dictum consequat. Donec eros felis, tempor sit amet adipiscing sit amet, pharetra a dolor. Suspendisse eget faucibus justo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut dui risus, id venenatis tortor. Maecenas a nibh enim. Nulla pretium velit sed urna ullamcorper eget feugiat justo volutpat. Duis dapibus sem sit amet arcu consequat molestie. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque vel urna metus, at ultricies sapien. Donec et purus vel augue feugiat posuere id et diam.

Cras interdum viverra erat, lobortis semper enim commodo non. Cras pellentesque tristique felis, quis ultricies orci dignissim in. Sed iaculis fringilla urna, laoreet rhoncus nisi bibendum quis. Vivamus interdum facilisis nibh, eu mollis risus rhoncus at. Curabitur accumsan orci sed justo vulputate in consectetur eros facilisis. Sed a consequat metus. Nunc condimentum, nisi quis semper gravida, enim massa molestie mi, et porta augue massa quis libero. Morbi a viverra mauris. Quisque tristique, neque eu ullamcorper auctor, est sapien dignissim lorem, et pulvinar risus velit vitae orci. Praesent commodo, justo id pharetra feugiat, eros est eleifend odio, quis semper augue mauris vitae sem. Phasellus semper purus in nisi dictum consequat. Donec eros felis, tempor sit amet adipiscing sit amet, pharetra a dolor. Suspendisse eget faucibus justo.