Park City Real Estate Trends

Park City Real Estate Sales 2013

By Todd Anderson
Jan 21, 2014

We are now solidly into 2014 so it is time to take a look at what happened in the Park City real estate market for 2013.


Sales of single family homes and condominiums in the Greater Park City, Utah area were very solid with sales unit volume up 14% from 2012. This represents the best year since 2006. Park City Home Sales by Quarter


The median sales price for both single family homes and condominiums in and around Park City also rose during 2013. The median price for a home rose by 5.8% to nearly $800,000 while Park City condominiums saw their median sales price rise 8.7% to nearly $380,000.


Inventory levels have continued to fall with last year’s absorption rate correlating to just over seven (7) months of inventory currently for sale in the Park City area. During the market downturn of 2008 and 2009 inventory levels and sales rates correlated to nearly thirty (30) months of inventory.


The lack of inventory has Sellers beginning to push prices up (although some of these appear to be more than the market will bear currently). The lack of inventory is most prominent in the lower price ranges; current inventory with 2013 sales rates puts less than 6 months inventory for condominiums under $1M and less than 4 months for homes under $1.5M. Entry level options in Park City (homes under $750,000 and condos under $400,000) have current supply levels of 2.3 and 3.8 months respectively.


Buyers for luxury homes and condominiums in Park City will find more to choose from. While sales of homes listed at $1.5M and over saw a 40% increase in sales last year versus 2012, current inventory levels represent nineteen (19) months’ supply. Condominium sales of over $1M saw a more modest sales increase of 6% and supply at current absorption rates is eighteen months. The ultra-luxury class (homes over $3M and condos over $2M) was mixed with single family home sales up 30% and condominium sales down 15%. Buyers in this small marketplace have the slowest moving inventory to choose from while Sellers encounter greater competition.


The current lack of inventory makes finding a home tougher as competition for the best homes can be fierce. Buyers are finding that they have to pay higher prices and borrow at higher interest rates. Sellers can hold out for higher prices and better terms.


The Park City real estate can be very hard to view as a whole; individual neighborhoods and subdivisions can and do experience very different sale pressures. Contact a Park City realty specialist with to discuss your individual Buying or Selling real estate needs within Park City. (888)968-4672

Park City Ski Resort Rankings

By Todd Anderson
Oct 12, 2012

Annual Ski Resort area rankings put all three Park City Resorts in the Top Ten.


SKI Magazine is due on the newsstands or in your mailbox the 16th of October. The upcoming issue features the results of the annual readers’ poll. In the magazine they will rank the top 50 Resorts in North America.


Park City, Utah is home to three resorts that cover nearly 10,000 skiable acres located just a few miles apart. This year for the first time Deer Valley, Park City Mountain Resort and Canyons Resort are all ranked in the readers’ poll top 10.


Deer Valley Resort takes the 2nd place ranking; dropping from its unprecedented reign in the number one spot for five years in a row. Deer Valley still saw a number one rating in many individual categories and was likely impacted by the lack of natural snowfall last season.


Park City Mountain Resort moves up a notch this year to number four in the SKI Magazine Readers’ Poll top 50 Resorts. This is the best ranking that the resort has ever earned.


The tens of millions of dollars that have been spent at Canyons Resort in the past few years are paying dividends in the minds of SKI Magazine readers as Canyons receives the number ten spot in this year’s poll. This is an impressive move from rankings in the low 20’s just a few years ago. The number ten ranking for Canyons Resort is also the best that the resort has ever earned. Park City Resort Rankings - SKI Magazine Poll 2 4 10


Park City, Utah is unique in that there are not many cities that are home to multiple ski and snowboard resorts. Deer Valley, Park City Mountain and Canyons Resorts all share in some high ratings related to Park City’s snow, weather, accessibility to an International Airport as well as local restaurants and non-ski related activity options.


The Group congratulates all three of Park City’s World Class Resorts on their rankings in SKI Magazine’s annual reader poll for the 2012/2013 season.


For information about how the resort rankings may affect real estate prices in Park City, Utah contact a Park City Real Estate Professional with at (888)968-4672.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut dui risus, id venenatis tortor. Maecenas a nibh enim. Nulla pretium velit sed urna ullamcorper eget feugiat justo volutpat. Duis dapibus sem sit amet arcu consequat molestie. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque vel urna metus, at ultricies sapien. Donec et purus vel augue feugiat posuere id et diam.

Cras interdum viverra erat, lobortis semper enim commodo non. Cras pellentesque tristique felis, quis ultricies orci dignissim in. Sed iaculis fringilla urna, laoreet rhoncus nisi bibendum quis. Vivamus interdum facilisis nibh, eu mollis risus rhoncus at. Curabitur accumsan orci sed justo vulputate in consectetur eros facilisis. Sed a consequat metus. Nunc condimentum, nisi quis semper gravida, enim massa molestie mi, et porta augue massa quis libero. Morbi a viverra mauris. Quisque tristique, neque eu ullamcorper auctor, est sapien dignissim lorem, et pulvinar risus velit vitae orci. Praesent commodo, justo id pharetra feugiat, eros est eleifend odio, quis semper augue mauris vitae sem. Phasellus semper purus in nisi dictum consequat. Donec eros felis, tempor sit amet adipiscing sit amet, pharetra a dolor. Suspendisse eget faucibus justo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut dui risus, id venenatis tortor. Maecenas a nibh enim. Nulla pretium velit sed urna ullamcorper eget feugiat justo volutpat. Duis dapibus sem sit amet arcu consequat molestie. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque vel urna metus, at ultricies sapien. Donec et purus vel augue feugiat posuere id et diam.

Cras interdum viverra erat, lobortis semper enim commodo non. Cras pellentesque tristique felis, quis ultricies orci dignissim in. Sed iaculis fringilla urna, laoreet rhoncus nisi bibendum quis. Vivamus interdum facilisis nibh, eu mollis risus rhoncus at. Curabitur accumsan orci sed justo vulputate in consectetur eros facilisis. Sed a consequat metus. Nunc condimentum, nisi quis semper gravida, enim massa molestie mi, et porta augue massa quis libero. Morbi a viverra mauris. Quisque tristique, neque eu ullamcorper auctor, est sapien dignissim lorem, et pulvinar risus velit vitae orci. Praesent commodo, justo id pharetra feugiat, eros est eleifend odio, quis semper augue mauris vitae sem. Phasellus semper purus in nisi dictum consequat. Donec eros felis, tempor sit amet adipiscing sit amet, pharetra a dolor. Suspendisse eget faucibus justo.