It is a Park City “bluebird” day! Not a cloud in the sky with a current temperature of 27 and a predicted high of over 50 degrees.
The end of the ski season is still over two weeks away and surely there will be more storms before it is over. But today has all the markings of spring and the summer activities soon to come.
Spring may be in the air but the skiing in Park City is far from over! You just have to adjust your thinking to match the conditions. Start the day off with a few Deer Valley groomers. Remember that while the weatherman said the overnight temp would be in the mid 30’s, the wind chill and elevation put that temp into the 20’s so the snow did freeze overnight. Wait until the sun has warmed up the non-groomed runs. By mid-morning the bumps will ski like mashed potatoes and the groomed runs will allow you to carve a trench behind you. These are great snow conditions!!

The skiing and snowboarding will stay great but a little wet as the afternoon sun takes hold. Spring fever can really take over at this point. The great thing is that Park City is ready for that. Give in to the call and move onto the next endeavor. Go down to Midway (just 20 minutes away) and play nine holes of golf at Wasatch or Soldier Hollow (yes they are OPEN), grab a bike and go for a ride, the fishing is great, maybe an afternoon run, or just a enjoy a frosty beverage at Deer Valley’s ski beach.
With the recent time change, sunset isn’t until nearly 8pm. There is time for a third activity for the day. Make it a Park City Trifecta; start the day on the slopes and add two more outdoor activities of your choice.
Enjoy a perfect Park City day!
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